Sugar Free Easter?

April 3, 2023

Here’s how Summer usually flies by. Firstly, it’s Christmas and subsequent days feasting on leftover cold meat (and cold beers). Then through a blur of carbs, sun and sleep in’s, I somehow manage to make some promises to myself in the form of a New Year’s resolution. In the short time it takes me to realise I had made a terrible mistake, I’ve somehow fallen into a time machine and boom, Easter is here!

Well that’s what it all felt like, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

Now, about chocolate. Somehow when it’s thinner, rounder, shinier (and terrible value for money), it just seems to taste better. Is that some sort of childhood nostalgia-related release of dopamine happening here? Take me back to childhood Easter egg hunts please! Or maybe it’s the thrill of smashing a goofy-toothed chocolate bunny and eating it.

I’ll never know. But they have been on sale since basically Boxing Day, taunting us, and we can usually show some restraint because we’re good kids and it’s not Easter…yet.

So what should we do now that it’s socially acceptable to fill our trolleys with Easter chocolate?

Still eat chocolate.

But eat less of it, and splash the cash on some of the fancy artisanal stuff instead. So ditch the supermarket chains and head over to your local chocolatier. Quality chocolate, with ethically sourced ingredients made by hard-working small business owners. For extra health points, reach for the 85% dark. It pairs better with red wine anyway.

Work it off.

So this probably isn’t the best health advice, so heed my warning here, but generally calories in/calories out makes basic sense when it comes to managing weight. Obviously, you’re not going to be able to fuel a 10k run or a 60min strength training session on Red Tulip Humpty Dumpty eggs, but you will want to get that out of your body before your pancreas starts turning it into love handles. Drinking more water will also help.


Yeah, there are some dairy / sugar / gluten free chocolate varieties and yeah, they are pretty darn delicious. But why do we have to eat chocolate at all? Autumn is one of the best seasons for fruit and vegetables in Australia and it’s just so perfect weather-wise this time of year to create some of our favourite cooler month desserts, like fruit pies and slices (with a sugar-free twist).

One final pro tip.

Stay away from the chocolate / caramel / rocky road / ice cream ‘mock’ cross buns. Those adulterated creations hurt me directly in the childhood. Keep the sugar wrapped in foil, please, and go for the original hot cross buns instead. For extra nostalgia-related dopamine, try lightly toasted with extra butter.

Happy Easter!

Ben Giltrap

Marketing Manager

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